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Borrow easily,
without a 

We'll vouch for your student loan and help you through the process - that's the Smarto guarantee. With SMARTO, student loans just got easier!

Starting in 2024!
Subscribe to our newsletter to be notified of the launch and check your eligibility!

An offer co-constructed with

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The Smarto team

Smarto is your partner for your Student Loan.

Our team is here to bring you the best service.

Arthaud : co-founder, project manager

Arthaud is the founder of Smarto and it was his idea to guarantee your student loan.
Not long ago, while still a student at HEC, Arthaud was unable to obtain his student loan because his parents were living abroad...

Arthaud is responsible for the relationship with banks, insurers and reinsurers.

Jin: marketing manager

Jin, you'll see her at trade shows and on social networks. She is in charge of our marketing and promotion of Smarto.
Jin is also the president of the STYM Company, owner of the Smarto brand.

Guillaume: technical manager

Guillaume is responsible for the technical part of Smarto: the website and the user space. He does his best to provide you with the best service.